Julia Smail is the Volunteer of the Year for the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. Julia was presented her award at the annual Inter Service Club Council award ceremony. Julia is currently the treasurer at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. Julia enjoys volunteering, in addition to working full time for the Department of the Navy. About a year ago, Julia joined the museum because she wanted to apply her knowledge of processes and financial controls to a small nonprofit organization. Julia supported the then new treasurer in getting up to speed on the Museum’s needs, and subsequently stepped into the role upon his sudden departure of this past January. Due to COVID and other hurdles, certain tax and regulatory accounts had fallen behind, and Julia jumped in to catch everything up. This was in addition to maintaining the normal weekly and monthly treasurer duties. In addition, Julia recommended some financial savings and benefits to the Museum saving about $3500. Julia exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism in her work to help the historical museum, a local favorite in the community. Congratulations!